Beers with Dad Podcast

Who Loses a No Hitter?!

Beers with Dad team Season 2 Episode 12

Chris catches up with a family member that he’s not been able to catch up with for a while but has to deal with an unwanted guard parrot. Nick was able to celebrate some of his close friends' recent nuptials at a pool party but might have inhaled some unwanted fumes at a local indoor waterpark. John accepted a new position at a new company and is excited, but it is also a little bittersweet. Unfortunately, his daughter can’t catch a break when it comes to catching viruses and this time caught the flu. John also gets to check out Roughhouse Brewing. We discuss interesting beverages we've had recently including a seaweed wasabi and lime gose from Rock House brewing in Lexington, a delicious cream ale from Draught House, and a fantastic sour brown ale from Roughhouse Brewing. We talk about how we would choose to serve prison sentences. Chris tells us about an amazing camping trip he went on with his son that almost had them redoing it because of misplaced keys. Then he hits us with a dad joke. Finally, he presents the situation he finds himself in with a close family member who recently lost their job. The featured beer style this week is the bock beer, and we taste the Texas institution in the Shiner Bock.
 As always, thank you for listening.